Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (2025)

The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good

Focused on: Conditiondamage

Designed for: Raids

Expansions required:



This build was last updated on April 08, 2024 and is up to date for the June 25, 2024 patch.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Skill Bar
    • 2.1 Weapon Variants
    • 2.2 Skill Variants
  • 3 Template Code
  • 4 Specializations
  • 5 Equipment
    • 5.1 Non-SotO Relics
  • 6 Consumables
  • 7 Usage
    • 7.1 Rotation
    • 7.2 Breakbar
    • 7.3 General Tips


A condition DPS Berserker raid build focussed mainly on Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (2) Burning and Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (3) Bleeding. The rotation is fast-paced and rewards constantly attacking, weapon swapping and triggering of burst skills. Despite this and the Berserker's theming, the damage is among the slowest-ramping in the game, heavily favouring long phases.

The default build packs a good amount of CC and mobility, and its combination of high health, heavy armour and Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (4)Blood Reckoning make it very survivable. In addition, Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (5)Scorched Earth is a great cleave skill that can hit distant targets without losing DPS on the boss.

Its damage is heavily dependent on remaining inside Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (6)Berserk by frequently using Rage skills. As such, it is very reliant on having good Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (7) Alacrity uptime.

Skill Bar




Weapon Variants

  • Offhand Torch is only a small DPS loss, and could be useful for the condi cleanse.

Skill Variants

  • Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (8)Sundering Leap is higher DPS than Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (9)Wild Blow, but it is more awkward to use in the rotation.

Template Code


Copy Template Code

























Non-SotO Relics

There are no obvious damage relics for players that don't own Secrets of the Obscure. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (10)Relic of the Warrior is an interesting option as it allows you to reduce the time spent on Sword (though you still want to make sure you're not weapon swapping too soon for your sigils to trigger).



  • or ascended alternatives
    • , or for a cheaper alternative


    • or for a cheaper alternative



Although the basic structure of the rotation is simple, in practise you have multiple skills that will come off cooldown at different times from loop to loop. See General Tips for an explanation of how to use these skills in the rotation.


  1. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (11)Impale (warrior sword)
  2. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (12)Final Thrust
  3. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (13) Weapon swap
  4. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (14)Fan of Fire
  5. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (15)Pin Down
  6. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (16)Head Butt - follow with Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (17)Outrage if you get stunned, otherwise use Outrage once you've entered Berserk
  7. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (18)Berserk
  8. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (19)Scorched Earth
  9. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (20)Blood Reckoning
  10. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (21)Scorched Earth
  11. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (22)Shattering Blow
  12. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (23)Wild Blow or Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (24)Sundering Leap
  13. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (25)Fan of Fire
  14. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (26) Weapon swap

Basic Sword Section

  1. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (27)Savage Leap
  2. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (28)Flaming Flurry
  3. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (29)Final Thrust
  4. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (30)Sever Artery Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (31)Gash Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (32)Hamstring - if you use any rage skills on sword, you don't have to finish the auto chain
  5. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (33)Impale (warrior sword)

Basic Longbow Section

  1. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (34)Fan of Fire
  2. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (35)Scorched Earth
  3. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (36)Arcing Arrow
  4. Autoattack and Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (37)Arcing Arrow until Scorched Earth is available
  5. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (38)Scorched Earth
  6. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (39)Fan of Fire
  7. Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (40) Weapon swap
  8. Return to start of sword section

Video example

Video example (offhand torch)

Video example (Sundering Leap)


  • Your most easily accessible strong CC is Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (41)Head Butt.
    • If you know you will be using Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (42)Head Butt, you may wish to delay Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (43)Outrage so you can immediately break the self-stun.
  • Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (44)Wild Blow is used in the rotation, so you will need to balance the need for CC against the risk of dropping out of Berserk if you delay the extension.

General Tips

  • Use Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (45)Shattering Blow, Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (46)Wild Blow and Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (47)Outrage off cooldown.
    • Use Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (48)Sundering Leap off cooldown (if using), but make sure that you're in one of your fire fields in order to give yourself a Fire Aura.
    • You can save Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (49)Outrage to break stuns inflicted during the encounter if you think you may need to.
  • You may need to use Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (50)Head Butt occasionally to prevent yourself dropping out of Berserk - combo with Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (51)Outrage.
    • You can also use it for extra damage if Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (52)King of Fires triggers and you have no other Berserker skill to detonate the aura with.
  • If Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (53)Blood Reckoning is available after using Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (54)Scorched Earth, use Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (55)Blood Reckoning Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (56)Scorched Earth Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (57)Pin Down immediately after.
    • As you delay Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (58)Blood Reckoning until after a Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (59)Scorched Earth, the cooldown practically lines up with Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (60)Pin Down and it's ideal to use it in a fire field for the combo finisher. If they become desynced however, just use Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (61)Pin Down off cooldown.
    • Although this combo extends the time you spend on Longbow you still want to only use Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (62)Fan of Fire twice.
  • You can freely interrupt your Sword auto-attack chain without losing DPS.
  • Swap off from Sword as soon as your weapon swap is available.
  • Use Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (63)Flames of War off cooldown (if using).
    • If Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (64)Flames of War is nearly off cooldown when you would swap off sword, you can stay for a few more seconds and do Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (65)Flames of War Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (66)Savage Leap.
  • You can provide extra might for your group by using Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (67)Arcing Arrow inside your Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (68)Scorched Earth or another fire field.
  • Some bosses have attacks that are harmful to the group if they're reflected (Primarily Matthias Gabrel and Cairn the Indomitable), make sure to familiarize yourself with these and avoid reflecting them with Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (69)Shattering Blow.
Build:Berserker - Condi DPS (2025)
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Article information

Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Last Updated:

Views: 5939

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.