Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

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King And Emory Will Collide Tonight Offensive Duel Between At Tucson Basketball Standings 8 1951 1951 1949 1948 1949 1949 69500 3 3 3 Yes! That's the compres sion ratio of the new '53 GMC What does com pression ratio mean? Just This 15 io 20 In creased fuel economy And on regular gasoline 1 3 taking a spot Roberts and 3 4 2 3 8 7 4 9 6 Tommy Bolt Takes Lead New Jersey Golfer Sinks 12 oot Putt or Birdie On 17th 7 4 3 2 3 2 1 2 0 today first basem*n now for Only Rookie remains unsigned Saturday Sports At A Glance i Typhus fever is most frequently (found in temperate or cold cli i mates Auburn Cards Rugged 1953 Grid Schedule We must Clear our USED TRUCK LOT for trades on our 1953 GMC's The Hottest Sellers we've ever had! Savings are passed to the customer on this USED TRUCK CLEARANCE 8 7 9 8 68500 ST LOUIS eb 1 Dick Kryhoski one of six' first base men on the roster turned in his signed 1953 contract with the St Louis Browns ive of the are accounted rank Kellert 105000 102500 Lenny Winograd forward on the Brandeis University basketball team is majoring in dramatics St LouisSigns Another Baseman Pct 1000800600200000 Pct857625571500500 429111 Va has been 8IG IVE Games Tuesday Conference Bristn! at Elizabethton NonConference Blountville at Kingsport Teama Kingsport Elizabethton Johnson City Bristol Erwin Pct889875818667667571538500429333300222200182000 Hole In One KINGSPORT Tenn eb 1 (fl5) Wright of Ridgcfields Country Club here has been a pro fessional golfer for 16 vears Sat urday he scored his first hole in one a 144 yard drive Connie Ryan took part In 154 sanies at second base for the Phil adelphia Phillies last season GMC ton Pickup A shape ive good tires CHEVROLET ton Pickup with good 'tires ORD 2 ton long wheel base 2 speed axle new 12 ply tires ORD Ij ton long wheel base New paint job STUDEBAKER long wheel base with new engine overhaul An ex ceptionally clean truck 6 4 3 3 3 AUBURN Ala eb 1 (UP) Auburn athletic director Jeff Beard today announced a 1953 foot ba scheduled jammed with tough foes The Plainsmen will play a total of 10 games five of them in Ala bama and the rest on foreign soil our games are with 1953 bowl teams Stetson and Miami were added to the Auburn team's 1953 schedule while Wofford of South Carolina and Maryland were dropped A three year contract with Wof ford ended last season and Auburn chose not to renew it A game with Maryland could not be scheduled because of conflicting open dates Stetson has been on schedule only once before when the lorida college won 6 to 0 in 1927 Miami has played two games with the Plainsmen with Auburn win ning 38 to 19 in 1944 and losing 33 to 7 in 1945 Auburn will include a feature with its Mississippi game at Auburn Oct 3 The fa thers of the football players will sit on the players bench The half time show will include an intro duction of the fathers Three out of four battles with the bowl teams will take place in Alabama The games are with Mississippi from the Sugar Bowl lorida from the Gator Bowl Ala bama from the Orange Bowl and Georgia Tech champions of the Sugar Bowl The Georgia Tech game is to be played in Atlanta The complete schedule: Sept 25 or' Stetson at Montgomery or Auburn Oct 3 Mississippi at Auburn: Oct Mississippi State at Starkville Miss Oct Geor gia Tech at Atlanta Oct Tu lane at Mobile Oct lorida at Auburn (homecoming) Nov Miami at Miami Nov Georgia at Columbus Ga Nov Clem son at Clemson SC Nov 28 Alabama at Birmingham TUCSON Ariz eb 1 A 12 foot putt that dropped for a birdie on the 17th hole today gave Tommy Bolt of Maplewood NJ one of newest big names the $2000 first prize money in the $10000 Tucson Open Golf Tournament His 72 nole total of 265 was 15 strokes under par Chandler Harper of Portsmouth Va who played with an aching arm finished one stroke behind with a total of 266 He won $1400 Harper had clicked out three birdies in five holes to pull even with Bolt His 10 foot putt for a birdie on tne 17th bounced over the hole and cost him a first place tie Bolt and Harper playing togeth er waged a dud throughout the day Bolt penalized himself a stroke on the ninth hole when he touched the ball while addressing it on the fairway (Dutch) Harrison of Ard more Okla who had led the first two rounds and started out on the final 18 holes in a first place tie with Bolt had his luck desert him He took a two over par 72 for the easy par 70 6 402 yard El Rio Golf and County Club layout His total of 271 left him in a three way tie for ninth place Cary Middlecoff of Memphis Tenn moved up quicklv today with a 65 for a total of 269 that left him tied for third with Tony Holguin of Midlothian 111 Each earned $926 In a four way tie with totals of 270 were Lloyd Mangrum Niles Ill Jerry Barber LaCanada Calif Ted Kroll New Hartford NY and 'Jack Hardin El Paso Tex Grouped with Harrison with scores of 271 were John Bujja Pittsburgh Pa and Bo Winingcr Oklahoma City rank Stranahan of Toledo was the tow amateur with 280 par for the 72 holes ender and Body Work Complete Auto Painting BRIGHTWELL SPINKS Inc 945 Stile Bristol 3950 By The Associated Press TRACK BOSTON red Dwyer of Villa nova won the mile (4:092) and Mai Whitfield Led the world indoor 600 yard record (1:102) in the Boston I A A Games i NEW YORK Johnny Kopii 19 year old senior from Bayonne NJ ran the fastest mile ever run bv a high school 4:201 GENERAL GARMISCH PARTENKIRCHEN Germany elix Endrich Swiss driver was killed almost instantly when his bobsled crashed into a tree during a practice run cancel ling the opening day heats of the four man world championships PHILADELPHIA Unbeaten Seton Hall the No 1 bas ketball tam won its 21st straight game with an 84 76 victory over Villanova OOTBALL Bob Blackman coach at Pasadona Calif Junior College was appointed head coach at the University Denver SEATTLE Johnny Cherbcrg was head coach at the University oi Washington succeed ing Howto Odell who was fired after five years GOODPASTURE MOTOR COMPANY Inc No 1 Gate City Highway Phone 5000 BRISTOL VIRGINIA 99500 GMC 2 ion long wheel base 2 $1 Aft speed axle good mech'anlcal shape IUjUiUU 4QJ7 GMC DIESEL 4 6 ton tractor with 174 straight air brakes 3 speed auxil AA lary trans 1100x20 tires 5ih wheel ZjjXUU 4 A IT DODGE Ij ton 174 long wheel base 109500 Phil Long And Doug Brady Expected To eature Game I By Gene Thompson I Top game of Bristol's collegiate basketball season will pe unveiled tonight when Conley Snidow brings his Emory Lnd Henry Wasps to town to hook up with Grant King College Tornado in the Virginia High School gymnasium ht 8 I Eaisly the standout attraction on the floor will be Phil Long a former Virginia High Bearcat who is attractingvide attention as a forward for the hard driving Emory and 1 1 1 I 1 Xj4j 1 1 ri 1 3u bound star with spectacular abilityis a brilliant shot and rebound lirtist is leading Virginia col legiate circles in scoring with an limazing 252 average per game I Long has just completed one of Ills best weeks during which he lvent on a 107 noint splurge in I hree games He scored 30 against iMaryville 43 against the speedy IJnion College Bulldogs and 34 gainst the Lincoln Memorial Rail liplitters LNot only is he Hkng side Glen er Barker two of the greatest Scoring stars in Emory and Henry history but he is ranking as one hf the best all round small college performers in the country I Another ex Bcarcat who will lake the floor for the Wasps to light is little Bunny Saltz play Inaker of the Emory quint who Is beginning to reach peak form ligain after missing early season names with a football injury I Supporting Long and Saltz will he Jack Sykes at the other for Ivard spot John Revilla six foot rive center and Bill Patteson or pill Cline at the other guard po sition I Bill Stevenson freshman flash 1 rom razewell novcd up to the varsitv squad nd is expected to see action to night He is a capable rebound Inan I King College which normally hives Emory and Henry a run for Its money has the best club this season Coach Johnson has fielded in several years The Tornado httack is built around Doug Brady towering 6 5 pivot star from Chattanooga who is a hook shot hrtist He and Long arc expected to wage an offensive battle I Brady will be supported by rank Edgar and Rod Hull or Tohnny Hall at forwards and Jim and Dan Moore at the guard po sitions Dillard Keene and Don Coffey should see plenty of action foT the Tornado King has not been able to defeat Emory in recent years but the Tornado hopes to give the Wasps a genuine scare tonight Emory won 66 46 and 80 55 last season and triumphed 90 70 76 64 the year before I Walter Lance and Ernest Rcasor scheduled to be the men with whistles 3 4 3 I 0 Games Thursday Non Conference Bradley at Johnson City Games riday Conference Bristol at Kingsport Erwin at Johnson City NonConference Bradley nt Elizabethton DISTRICT" SE iEN uames Tuesday District Saltville at Marion Abingdon at Rich Valley Grundy at Richlands Castlewood al Lebanon Cleveland at Honaker NorvDistrict Bluff City at Bristol Northfork at Tazewell Sugar Grove at Chilhowie Bramwell at Pocahontas Graham at Beaver Teams Marion Pocahontas Honaker Cleveland Graham Bristol Richlands Saltville Tazewell Rich Valley Castlewood Chilhowie Grundy Lebanon Abingdon Games Thursday NnnDictrirt Glade Spring at Chilhowie Games riday District Marion at Abingdon Pocahontas at Tazewell Lebanon at Saltville Graham at Richlands Grundy at Cleveland Non District Gate City at Bristol Garden at Honaker Ervinton at Castlewood UPPER LAKES Games Monday NotvConference Holston at Boones Creek Games Tuesday Conference Sullivan at Lynn View Non Conference Bluff City at Bristol Va Blountville at Kingsport Hampton at Mary Hughes 1 earns Bluff City Lynn Viey Sullivan Blountville Holston Holston Valley Mary Hughes Games riday Conference Bluff Citv at Sullivan Blountville at Holston Valley Holston at Mary Hughes 80'1 BRISTOL HERALD COURIER Monday ebruary 1953 5 Long Dominating State Scoring Race RICHMOND eb 1 (fl Emory and Henry's Phil Long is making a runaway of the state collegiate individual scoring race as the sea son moves into the regular cam final month Long went on a 107 point spree in three games the past week to widen his average for the year to 252 points for the 12 tilts He poured in 30 points against Maryville 43 against Union and 34 in last 81 76 defeat by Lincoln Memorial Not another Old Dominion col lege player has an average of 20 points or better Jim Rich Wash ington and Lee is second with 199 and Buzzy Wilkinson Vir ginia is tnird with 193 Spiders and Roan oke's Maroons meanwhile re mained the hottest clubs in the state The Spiders went on a 33 point sedrmg rampage in the first quarter last night and then coasted to an easy 86 54 victory over Vir ginia Gobblers The victory kept the Spiders in International Hall Of ame Tributes Three NEW YORK eb 1 red Mcrkle Estel Crabtree and the late Bid Manley were elected to the International league Hall of arits today by the International League Baseball Writers' associa tion Merkle key figure in the 1948 National League pennant race when his failures to touch second base resulted in his being forced out by shortstop Johnny Evers of the Chicago Cubs and eventually cose the New York Gian ts the pennant later played in the Inter national League with Rochester and Reading Crabtree who also played with Rochester led his club in runs batted in tnree times and in home runs twice Manley was secretary of the league from 1911 to 1952 The league now has a total of 27 men in its Hall of ame The league announced the ap proval of a 154 game schedule for 1953 beginning April 22 and end ing Sept 13 The opening day pairings are Montreal at Roches ter Ottawa at Syracuse Toronto at Springfield and Buffalo at Balti more The northern cities have their opening day April 29 when the pairings will Je reversed undisputed possession of first place in the Big Six standings resh man orward Walt Lysaght set the Spidei scoring pace with 16 points while Ed Harrison and Ken Daniels were close behind with 15 and 14 points respectively Dick Ellis and Bob Crouch were high for Tch with 11 each Roanoke smothered i Eagles Dwayne Heineck 6 foot 8 inch freshman center for the Maroons collected 27 points Pint sized Jimmy Utter back picked up 18 for the Eagles Roanoke has won all of its six Little Six starts and the Maroons haven't dropped a contest since Virginia Military beat them De cember 18 Basketball Scores (Lt turdiy Scr) SOUTH MisttsripiM S3 lorence 43 NC College S3 Binefield (AST Holy Cross 78 ColumbU ordham 43 Yale 44 Siena 35 Lawrence Tech SI Hofstra 70 Gettysburg 60 CCNY 86 80 Canislus 88 Boston College 71 Morris Harvey 83 Glenville 64 Va Tech 87 67 West Liberty IOS Salem 94 Beckley 91 Mountain State 78 Va State 73 Virginia State ST St rancis 79 Loyola 66 Alderson Broaddus 92 Potomac SO Manhattan 67 St Peters 81 MIDWEST Kansas State 81 Iowa State 79 DePaul 83 Notre Dame S3 Niagara 79 John Carroll 6S Drake 88 Houston 66 Michigan 74 Washington Dayton 90 Toledo 38 SOUTHWEST New Mexico 88 Denver 68 Texas Tech 79 West Texas 88 Arizona State 73 Arizona 73 AR WEST California 70 Santa Clara 44 Oregon 73 Oregon State 63 Utah 68 Montana 53 Brigham Young 77 Utah Stats 80 Stanford 68 St Mary 's 65 Washington S3 Hawaii 35 StJoseph ASPIRIN Your Doctor Knows that the name Joseph" cures at its you can't buy better at any price to relieve pain of headache colda muscle aches' Pocket or pursue tin is largest seller at lOc 100 TABLET BOTTLE ONLY 49 Seton Hall Keeps Unsullied Slate By Rip Watson NEW YORK eb 1 Half loaf is better than none in basket ball too the undefeated Seton Hall basketball team has discovered Seton Hall top ranking team in the Associated Press poll got Arnie Ring back from the scholas tically ineligible list last week and the sophom*ore star played a big part in Seton Hall's 21st straight victory an 84 76 conquest of Villa nova Saturday night The top rank ing team also had hoped to have the services of Jim Ahearn Though technically eligible Ahearn decided to concentrate on his studies Ring was help enough however as he sank seven of 11 field goal tries and added two fouls In addi tion his rebounding and defensive play helped Seton Hall maintain its record as the only undefeated major college team Three of the high ranking teams No 2 Illinois No 6 and Oklahoma No were idle last night and two others had close calls State Wins Kansas State fifth ranked trailed Iowa State by two points at half time but Gene Stauffer came through with six points in the final three minutes for an 81 78 victory ordham No 7 played a tight ball control game with Yale and won out 13 44 The other members of the top ten clubs won with case Washing ton No 3 concluded its three game Hawaiian trip with an 83 55 trouncing oi Hawaii while LaSalle one notch lower whaled Eastern Kentucky 89 67 Western Kentucky No 9 re Virginia Sport Card or Week RICHMOND eb 1 (fl This week's winter sports schedule for Virginia colleges: BASKETBALL Monday Sydney at Roanoke College Shepherd College at Bridgewater Emory and Henry at King College Tuesday North Carolina at Richmond Concord at Emory and Henry Wednesday Virginia at Roan oke College Virginia Tech at Washington and Lee: William and Mary at Virginia Military Thursday Richmond at Ran Macon Bridge water at Catholic University riday Virginia Military at Marshall College urman at Washington and Lee Maryland at deemed the Blue Grass honor by trouncing Tampa 104 56 and tenth ranked DePaul turned its traditional game with Notre Dame into an 83 56 rout The to the De Paul Notre Dame game at Chicago Sta dium was 76 72 victory over Loyoia of Chicago Similarly the prelude to the La Salle Eastern Kentucky game at Convention Hall was more exciting as Marty Satalino fired in a jump shot with three seconds to play to give St John's a 64 62 triumph over St Joseph's Before the Seton Hall Villanova game at Palestra Ernie Beck scored 15 points in the second half to break up Penn State's zone defense and give Penn a 60 56 victory Zone Defense Holy Cross Coach Bus Sheary used a zone defense for the first time against Columbia and it worked for a 78 65 victory the 34th straight for the Crusaders on their Worcester Mass home court Tennessee could have used some good defensive play against Lou isiana State as 6 9 Bob Pettit and the rest of the Louisiana boys rolled up a 95 59 score Pettit piled in 31 points The LSU score was topped how ever as urman outran Georgia Tech 111 93 North Carolina State bounced back from a Villanova de feat to whip Wake ewest 99 80 St Bonaventure evened an old score whipping Duquesne 70 58 Duquesne had knocked off the Bon nies in their big game last year when they were the sole remaining major undefeated teams Duke Sinks Navy In other Southern games North Carolina protected its Southern Conference lead with a 91 80 deci sion over Clemson and Duke won over Navy 78 73 With Indiana and Illinois both idle Michigan State took over third place in the Big Ten by trouncing Minnesota 64 60 On the West Coast California took time out from the Southern Division of the Pacific Coast Con ference to defeat Santa Clara 70 64 Oregon tied Idaho for second in the Northern Division last night by defeating Oregon State 73 63 Arizona Border Conference pow erhouse was upset by Arizona State of Tempe 75 73 and Texas Tech cloutod West Texas State 79 68 in another border game Brigham Young battling with Wyoming fur the Skyline Confer ence crown drubbed Utah State 77 60 while tailend Utah upended Montana 68 53 Reds Offer 5 Players or Kiner Rickey Reportedly Is Interested In Offer or Slugging Star NEW YORK eix 1 (fl Gabe Paul vice president of the Cincin nati Reds disclosed today he had offered the Pittsburgh Pirates five players for Ralph Kiner National League home run king for the past seven years Paul in New York to attend the Baseball Writers dinner said he made the offer to Branch Rickey last night and the Pirates' gen eral manager had assured him he would give the proposition Paul estimated the five players he offered were worth in the neighborhood of $300000 No actual cash was offered All players cur rently are full fledged members of the Reds according to Paul Paul declined to identify the players but deemred they were all highly regarded and could play regularly for Pittsburgh Paul said Kiner's large salary reported to be as much as $90000 last year did not worry him at all "Any investment that pays a dividend is a good he said would more than make up for his salary by bis ability to draw people in at the gate realize Kiner has had trouble hitting in Cincinnati If Crosley ield proves a mental roadblock to him and he is not going to hit there the thing to do would be to deal him to some other club Kiner doesn't pan out with our club he still a good enough commodity for another club that can use his talents After all he has led the league in home runs every season since he came up seven years ago You can't beat that He is definitely worth a gamble" Kiner who was 30 years old last May suffered his poorest season in 1952 batting only 244 with only 87 runs batted in While his 37 homers tied him with Hank Sauer of the Cubs for the league lead it was his lowest home run total since his first major league cam paign in 1946 Indoor Tennis Title COPENHAGEN eb 1 (fl Kurt Nielsen Denmark today won the Scandinavian indoor tennis cham pionship defeating Art Larsen of San Leandro Calif 6 3 4 6 6 4 6 4 before 3000 spectators in KB Hall Virginia Tech Hampden Sydney' at Washington College Lynchburg College at Towson State Teachers Bridgewater at Baltimore Univer sity Saturday William and Mary at North Carolina State Virginia at Richmond Roanoke College at Macon Lynchburg at Baltimore University Hampden Sydney at Johns Hopkins urman at Virginia Tech Virginia Military at West Virginia Milligan at Em ory and Henrv BOXING riday Virginia at The Cita del WRESTLING riday Maryland at Washing ton and Lee Saturday Virginia Military at North Carolina State SWIMMING Wednesday Virginia at Rut gers Thursday Virginia at LaSalle riday Virginia at Duke Virginia at Bainbridge Navy Saturday Virginia at Loyola: Virginia Military at William and Mary Macon at Wash ington and Lee INDOOR TRACK Saturday Virginia Military Institute's second annual winter relays Where can I get a Wfo my LOAN request? OVER A MILLION LOANS made at lumd last year to employed men and women mar ried and single in all walks of life PROMPTLY to be suteUy If you are steadily employed and can handle convenient monthly payments chances for a prompt are excellent Phone first for one visit loan Write or comen to Tfcat today See why so many agree Jiruma! to be Ls Loans $25 to $300 5 BRISTOL 1 Grd 20 MOORE ST (Next to Gas Co) Phone: North 3067 Bristol Va Selden Humphrey YES MANager OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL NOON CLOSED WEDNESDAY ATERNOON tm BO ta wIM af st merfio' Hwe Ck if SIX (6) YEARS OLD Piofl ffl tel Q40 i its 45 I fl llotttboti I THE OtO OUAMEH OisnUiHG c0 PRESHO CAt HuaWs Iggi Xk 4 1 'r' gig I I bourbon ornjj comfaiw SIX ft YEARS OLD Straight Bourbon Whiskey 6 Years Old SIX YEAH OLD STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 84 PtOO 'OLD QUAKER DISTILLING COMPANY LAWKENCEIUIO MIX StJosepli ASPIRIN I I ii.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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