0352: War is Anything but Mentally Stable – Chapters 7-12 (2024)

Title: War is Anything but Patriotic

Author: inuhime313

Topic: The Patriot

Media: Film

Genre: Adventure, Romance

URL: Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12

Critiqued by: Em Kay

Important note from the editor:

If you choose to read this fic on your own, make sure you are using the desktop version of the site, and not the mobile version. Due to formatting issues within the fic, the mobile version is not coherent.

Greetings and salutations, Wardens and lunatics. I’m Em Kay, your snarker of the day, and today we’re tackling another round of the supposedly patriotic personality disorder that is WABP. The good news is that after this we’ll be over halfway through.

Small consolation, I know, but it’s all I’ve got. To the recap!

Last time, BeckySue turned Tavington into her boy-toy, was a-okay with betraying everyone she’s ever known to be a spy, and then… felt bad for making Tavington her boy-toy? But not enough to refuse to marry Tavington when he proposed. And of course the author decided to throw in a heaping spoonful of plot regurgitation that the characters should have known nothing about.

Let’s see what kind of mood swings we’re in for today.

Chapter 7: The Ghost

Okay, that does need a tiny bit of explanation.

BeckySue’s dad, the canon protagonist Benjamin Martin, had a bit of a rampage early in the movie where he took out a twenty soldier company in order to rescue his captured son. The sole British survivor reported that they were attacked by one man who seemed to be everywhere at once, “like a ghost.” Benjamin ends up leading a group of rebels who use guerilla-style tactics to capture and disrupt British supply lines. Since the British don’t know the identity of the leader, the “Ghost” moniker stuck and that’s how they refer to him.



After the party Tavington went on more and more raids leaving Rebecca to do more on her own.

Party Tavington sounds like a much nicer guy than “The Butcher” Tavington.

Rebecca made friend named Juliana, she was a wife of a solder.

God of Tarzan Grammar concerned by OC marriages to circuitry.

She had a little girl named Deanna.Rebecca and Juliana were walking in the gardens with little Deanna skipping ahead of them.”So when is your wedding planed for?” Juliana asked.

Juliana: I’m guessing since you’re both awful people that it’ll be one of the Lower Planes.

“We haven’t spoken much of the wedding.With William gone all the time we haven’t had much time.”

I completely forgot Tavington’s first name was William since it’s never been used to address him in the six previous chapters of this fic.

Rebecca was watching Deanna think of the possible future she had. At that moment many redcoats came running passed them.

“What is going on?” Juliana asked.

*A swarm of clothing moths follows quickly behind the sentient outerwear.*

That explains it.

“The Ghost is here.” One of the solders said.

And now the circuitry is sentient, too? I guess that makes sense if random characters are marrying them.

Rebecca gasped and ran into the estate.She went to Cornwallis’s office where the two men were just finishing up.

Ah, so we’re regurgitating from this scene, where Benjamin Martin comes to negotiate with Cornwallis. It probably would have been more clear if the author had specified that Benjamin was the other man in the room.

“Miss. Martin, what can I do for you?” Cornwallis asked but Rebecca ignored him.She ran to her father and hugged him.Benjamin Martin picked up his daughter and turned around once.

“Father I have missed you.” Rebecca felt like screaming it to the world.

Lies. You haven’t thought about your family once since you rode off into the sunset with your murder-happy boy-toy. Well, that’s not true. You were slightly concerned they would recognise you if you became a spy. But that’s it!

“Rebecca I was so afraid I would never see you again.” Benjamin said.

I can only imagine this line absolutely drenched in sarcasm because she just gave away the identity he was very careful to not reveal. Y’know, because Tavington, the guy who has no qualms about murdering civilians as easily as soldiers, has it out for The Ghost specifically and would have no problem going after his family to get to him?

Benjamin turned to Cornwallis.”I would like to take her back home.”

And by that he means back to the farmhouse that Tavington already ordered burned to the ground so Benjamin can just abandon her there.

Cornwallis knew he could not keep daughter from father so he merely nodded his head.

I understand what the author is saying, but the way it’s worded just sounds creepy.

Benjamin and Rebecca left the office and went outside.They went down the stairs of the estate.She saw about 20 men on horseback, in the men she was able to pick out her brother Gabriel.

Are they wearing shirts that make a collage of his face or something?

But to her dismay Tavington and Bordon came up through the gates on horseback.

To her dismay? She’s been screwing her brains out with the dude for months! She said it was “the best part of her day” for crying out loud.

Tavington threw his riding hat at a private and went stomping up to O’Hara.”What is this?” He asked his anger in his throat.

I suppose the anger in your throat has about as much idea as Uninformed O’Hara.

“Prisoner exchange.He has eighteen of our officers.” O’Hara answered.

“Who is he? I recognize him.”

He’s the father of your ellipsis-buddy, who he is also currently walking away with, remember?

“He is the commander of the militia.Your ghost.” Tavington’s head turned back to O’Hara as his words were finished.Tavington pulled out his saber and started to go for Benjamin.”Slay that sword Colonel.


The actual line is “Stay that sword” but I like this version better.

He rode out with a white flag.”

“This is madness.” Tavington said to himself, but then he saw his future wife standing next to the ghost.He stomped up to them.”What are you doing?”

“Leaving.” Rebecca answered not looking at Tavington as she mounted a horse in front of Gabriel.

Well, obviously, you condescending snowglobe. He’s asking why.

“You can’t.I forbid it.”Tavington snapped.

To be fair, if he is holding her to the slave portion of her initial offer he can do that.

“That is not my concern me.I don’t need your blessing.” Rebecca turned to face him.

Uh, you’re the one who offered to be his sex slave regular old slave. So yes, yes you do.

“You are my fiancé; I can control what you do.”Tavington spat.

…No, it’s really just the slave thing.

Gabriel’s face was filed with shock

Is electricity abrasive enough for filing?

and Benjamin’s was filled with disapproval.

Huh. I guess not.

“If I can remember correctly you have to ask my father’s approval.

Obviously your memory is faulty because you volunteered to be his slave. He doesn’t need squat from your father.

Well ask him.”Rebecca pointed to Benjamin Martin and Tavington looked as if he had been shot.

“No you cannot have her hand.” Benjamin said mounting his horse.

“But I have certainly had and enjoyed her body.” Tavington whispered but just enough for Benjamin to hear.

“I am going to kill you before this war is over.” Benjamin promised.

That canon line has a lot more impact in the original scene.

“Why wait?” Tavington had the lust for battle in his eyes and Rebecca noticed this.

Benjamin looked at Rebecca and Gabriel and then back at Tavington.”Soon.” Benjamin gave the signal to move out and they left the fort.

Again, the line is much more effective in the original. Here, it’s just bland and mechanical.

Once they had reached the black swamp they dismounted expect Gabriel and Rebecca.Benjamin walked over to their horse and he was mad, madder than the time Gabriel had thrown a spider at her and she fell from the tree.

“How could you?” he asked.

Oh, is he mad that Rebecca compromised his identity and Tavington knows who he is now? That’s perfectly reasonable, actually.

“Father, please forgive me.” Rebecca pleaded.

“For saying you would marry him?Or for giving yourself to him?” Benjamin yelled.

…Or there’s that, I guess.

“You don’t know the half of it.” Rebecca screamed. “I give myself up for Thomas and do you think that Tavington wouldn’t try anything?”

What on earth is she talking about? She’s the one who was stalking him!

“Take her to your aunt’s.” Their father said and Gabriel nodded.


0352: War is Anything but Mentally Stable – Chapters 7-12 (1)

For once that reaction is marginally appropriate.

Then we get regurgitation of Tavington getting info on the Martins from Captain Wilkins.


“Does he have family?Where would he hide his children?”

All of the Dragoons looked at Wilkins waiting for him to answer Tavington’s question.”His wife’s sister has a plantation.It isn’t far.” Wilkins answered half heartedly.

Yeah, it’s at this point in the movie that even die-hard loyalist Wilkins realizes that Tavington’s methods are, at the very least, not kosher.

He had always like Benjamin Martin; he had always been a good man.Wilkins would never admit it but he had a thing for Rebecca.

Didn’t the fic say that they had talked about Wilkins marrying Rebecca at some point in the past? I think the cat’s out of the bag on that front, Wilkins.

He would hate himself for ever if the Martin children were at their aunt’s and anything happened to them.



Chapter 8: Kissing the hidden

Why does that sound like a video game achievement? Or at least half of one.



Nathan came running into Rebecca’s room and shook her awake.

Just to remind you, since it took me a second to figure out who this was, Nathan is one of the younger Martin children. I’d guess around twelve.

“The Dragoons are here.Hurry!”Rebecca jumped up from her bed and ran into the hallway where her Aunt Charlotte handed her Susan and they ran down to the dining room.

Ah, so this is just regurgitation of Tavington raiding the plantation with the intent to kill Benjamin’s children. The dining room has a hidden passage that goes to a basem*nt kitchen the servants use. The family goes there to hide, but they are interrupted before all of them can get down the ladder.


For context, Rebecca and the youngest sister, Susan, have taken the canonical place of Nathan and are hiding under a dining room table.

“There is no one in the house sir.” Bordon said, knowing it wasn’t what Tavington wanted to hear.

“Check all the buildings in the out grove they can’t have gotten far.” He commanded.

I have no idea what an “out grove” is supposed to be. Tavington tells them to search the out buildings and the forest.

Bordon nodded his head and he left.Tavington hit the table and Susan took in a big breath.”Wilkins!” he called.Wilkins came into the room.

“Yes sir?” he asked.

“Stay here until I call you.” Tavington left slamming the dining room door as he went.

Wilkins turned to the table and said.”You can come out now.”Before Rebecca could stop Susan she crawled out from under the table, only because she knew it was James Wilkins that said it and she figured it was safe.

Susan has absolutely no reason to know this man in canon. Even if we factor in the stupid, stupid ship the author has manufactured between Wilkins and BeckySue, this would still be completely out of character for Susan.

She knew her father trusted Wilkins even if he was an asshole.

But… he’s not? He’s just on the opposing side. Maybe a tad arrogant, but he’s nothing compared to Tavington or even swears-like-a-drunken-sailor BeckySue.

“What are you doing?” Rebecca hissed as she and Susan sat next to the table. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

“I am trying to make up for a past mistake. Forgive me.” Wilkins leaned down and kissed Rebecca. “Just get your family out.” Wilkins stood and left the room closing the door behind him.

Won’t Tavington be suspicious that Wilkins didn’t stay where he was ordered to?

Susan and Rebecca opened the hidden kitchen door and Rebecca handed Susan down to Nathan.

“Come on Becca.” Nathan said, but Rebecca merely shook her head and closed the door to the kitchen.

Rebecca went to the door to listen to the conversion out in the main room. “Sir we have checked the house there is no one here.” Bordon’s voice said.

“Check the out groves they can’t have gotten far.” Tavington said.

*DRD agents storm into the riff chamber by storming into the riff chamber which they storm into by storming into it. They rush to Em’s snack drawer quickly by rushing quickly to the snack drawer which they rush to quickly by rushing to it. The DRD empty the drawer and exit the chamber, emptying the drawer before exiting the chamber, which they exit only after emptying the drawer.*

Well. That was annoying.

Bordon caught eye of Rebecca through the glass near the dining room door.

God of Tarzan Grammar say good catch.

Detached Body Parts, anyone?

0352: War is Anything but Mentally Stable – Chapters 7-12 (2)

“Closer than you think sir.” Bordon motioned slightly to the door and Tavington turned and saw Rebecca.

I’m going to be so pissed if she purposely gets recaptured.

Rebecca gasped and ran to one of the windows in the room and opened it as soon as Tavington and Bordon came into the room. “Give it up Rebecca.” Tavington said. “You can’t get away.”

I mean, she might be able to. She’s never tried before despite the many, many opportunities.

“Want to bet?” Rebecca jumped from the window and ran into the forest and she knew that Tavington would soon be after her.

Ok guys you know what to do. REVIEW.


Chapter 9: Hate

This fic? I’m definitely getting there.


I definitely hate these screamed disclaimers, though. And since this very short chapter is just a regurgitation of Gabriel finding Aunt Charlotte and the kids in the woods and leading them to safety (literally a two minute scene) I’m snipping it.


Ok Guys That is the chapter. REVIEW PLEASE.


Chapter 10: The Village

Is missing their idiot?



The group was walking down a beach shore

*DRD agents enter through the entering door quickly and with much speed. They try to empty Em’s empty snack drawer, but the empty drawer has no contents for them to empty. Disappointed and let down, the agents exit the chamber by leaving the room.*

I think I found that village’s idiots.

and they spotted a bunch of huts in a small village. There were a bunch of slaves walking around in the village.

Oh, no no no! Protagonists don’t have slaves, they’re definitely-paid-employees.

Yeah, I know it’s stupid, but it’s canon stupid.

Anyway, the “perfect place to hide” Benjamin’s family is in a village the movie implies is where the British have dumped all the captured slaves employees and it’s definitely not a stand in for the Gullah people. The village is literally on a beach, something that is incredibly dumb in an area as prone to storms and hurricanes as the South Carolina coast, but again, it’s canon dumb.

Blah blah blah, the family finds their housekeeper/nanny and get to stay in the village.


Rebecca followed Gabriel outside. “Gabriel please be careful.” Rebecca pleaded as the approached his horse. The other men were already on their horses waiting for Gabriel.

“I will be.” Gabriel placed a kiss to his sister’s forehead.

“Gabriel please don’t be angry with me.” Rebecca said.

Too late. You’ve already earned it for being as loyal as Benedict Arnold. Oh wait, Gabriel doesn’t know about that yet! He’s just angry that you came back.

Gabriel moved away from his horse and looked at his sister confused. “Why would I be angry with you?”

So, so many reasons.

“Because I wasn’t strong enough to say no to Tavington.” Rebecca said.

Author, have we been reading different fics? BeckySue had absolutely no problems telling Tavington to get away from her when he caught her stalking him. And then she helped him strip and made him her ellipsis-buddy! For months! AND THEN SHE AGREED TO MARRY HIM!

I’ve seen plenty of fics play off sexual assault as no big deal or even romantic, but I’ve never seen a fic try to paint a very clearly consensual long term relationship as sexual assault. It’s the most backwards way I’ve ever seen someone trivialize actual sexual assault.

0352: War is Anything but Mentally Stable – Chapters 7-12 (3)

Gabriel came forward and embraced his sister. “I don’t blame you for that.” Gabriel said. “I blame Thomas for being stupid.”

“But I am glad he is still alive.” Rebecca said and Gabriel nodded.

Hang on. So Thomas, their fifteen-year-old brother and the one BeckySue volunteered as tribute as a sex slave as a hostage to save, is at fault for Tavington supposedly taking advantage of BeckySue?! He was just trying to save Gabriel from being executed! It was rash, but it’s not like he decided to step into traffic on a whim and then asked someone to assault her.

If you’ve got Character Bashing on your Bingo Board, now’s the time.

He went and mounted his horse.

“Take care Becca.” Gabriel said. “And don’t go climbing any trees without me.”

And Gabriel’s back to wanting to maim The Sue. Atta boy.

Rebecca laughed and nodded. “It wouldn’t be the same.”


0352: War is Anything but Mentally Stable – Chapters 7-12 (4)

Not an impressive comeback, BeckySue.

Tavington enter the dining room of the home of one the militia member’s home.

First, sentient outerwear. Then, sentient circuitry. Now homes for homes? Why is everything alive?!

But the problem was that that member had left the militia months ago. Tavington saw Bordon looking out if the window; his hand was dripping with blood. Bordon turned to Tavington. “Well?” Tavington asked as he hoped for information.

“I am sorry sir.” Bordon said as he went to the table and lifted up the head of the dead man. “He died.” Bordon dropped the man’s hand back onto the table.

What the f*ck?! This is definitely not canon. Tavington’s Dragoons may have callously slaughtered everyone they came across, but they didn’t torture people to death!

Note from Fuuuuture Em: I have since found out that the author is transcribing a deleted scene, but it is done so badly I’m leaving it and my original reactions to it.

Tavington made a face and moved over to the side of the table and flipped it over. “Bring me the other one.” He commanded in a frustrated yell that made Captain Wilkins jump.

Tavington need more tables to flip! MOAR!

Two Dragoons came in from the next room hulling a man into the room.

0352: War is Anything but Mentally Stable – Chapters 7-12 (5)

HOLY HAND GRENADE OF ANTIOCH! How did this suddenly become a grizzly horror fic?!

A bag of English gold was brought in and dumped on the table. “This one is a rebel and a thief.” Bordon said.

“I am not a thief.” The man said. He turned to Tavington and added. “I am a patriot.”

“Well I wonder how patriotic you would be if I offered you the chance to walk out of here alive.” Tavington said. “And to triple all of this.” Tavington motioned to the gold on the table. “All you nee to tell me where I can find Benjamin Martin and his rebels.”

The man smiled at Bordon and then at Tavington and both Dragoons smiled back. The man nodded and spit in Tavington’s face. “Do your worse.” He mutter to Tavington.

The man’s got a point, I suppose. Once you’ve been shelled like a peanut and somehow survived, there’s not really much more pain they can inflict without outright killing you.

Two Dragoons slammed the man down on the table as Tavington wiped the spit from his face.

“I always do.” Tavington said.

And now the fic is doubling down on eViL Tavington after the first third was about being the Sue’s ellipsis-buddy?

0352: War is Anything but Mentally Stable – Chapters 7-12 (6)

Crap, the Sue’s mental instability has spread to the fic itself!


Rebecca sat on the shore watching the waves roll of the sand. “Becca Abigail says it is time to eat.” Thomas said.

“Ok. Thanks.” Rebecca muttered.

“Becca I am sorry.” Thomas said.

“For what?” Rebecca looked at her brother.

“For being so hot headed.” Thomas said.

Rebecca stood up. “If you weren’t hot headed you wouldn’t be Thomas.”

Since he dies fifteen minutes into the movie, that’s also his only defining characteristic! How convenient!

Rebecca embraced her brother and then the two of them went back to Abigail’s hut for dinner.

Ok guys review.

THAT SCENE SURE-*ahem* Sorry, the lack of capslock threw me.

That scene sure added a lot to the story.

Chapter 11: Secrets

Something the Sue has been demonstrably bad at keeping.



I’ll just snip the regurgitated scene where Benjamin visits his family at the slave Gullah captured African-Americans beach village and Susan runs away from him.


“Susan wait!” Rebecca yelled. Susan stopped running and turned around. Rebecca got down on her knees in front of her sister. “Why didn’t you hug him?”

“Don’t you remember?” Susan asked.

“Remember what?” Rebecca asked.

The canon conversation Susan had with Gabriel a couple of chapters ago that I snipped? BeckySue was theoretically there for it.

“I hate him.” Susan said.

“Oh sweetheart you don’t hate him.” Rebecca said gently.

And yet another NarciSue telling a canon character their own feelings.

“Yes I do.” Susan argued.

“Why do you hate him?” Rebecca asked.

“Because he left us.” Susan said as tears came down her cheeks. “Because he didn’t stay and protect us.” Rebecca pulled her little sister in for a hug.

“He is protecting us.” Rebecca said. “But he is also protecting this land that could one day become a wonderful country.

*Em’s laptop suddenly sprouts an American flag and the Star Spangled Banner begins to play softly in the distance.*

Where we would all be equal and free.

I don’t think-

*Another American flag shoots out of the fic and slaps Em in the face as the Star Spangled Banner intensifies.*

Women could work outside of the house and not have to wear dress all the time;

*Em removes the flag from her face and opens her mouth to retort only to be peppered with women’s rights pamphlets.*

and there would be no slaves.

*Em spits out a pamphlet.*

That’s definitely not-


*Em ducks as an enormous eagle flies out of the fic.*

So you see Susan he isn’t just protecting us; he also protecting our freedom.”

*Fireworks erupt from the fic as the Statue of Liberty rises out of the floor, wreathed in sparklers and American flags. The eagle perches majestically at the top of the torch while the Star Spangled Banner concludes at an ear-splitting volume.*


There is so, so much wrong with all of this. Minions!

*The room has suddenly never been ‘Murica’d.*

Let’s take this from the top.

The “equal and free” line is patently false. Just looking at voting rights, 1828 was the first election in which even the majority of white men were allowed to vote, thanks to property-owning requirements. Not to mention the myriad of other factors that can make up “equality.”

*Em scoops up a women’s rights pamphlet.*

And then there’s the “women working outside the home” bit. There has never been a point in history where women did not work “outside the home.” It’s never been banned or outlawed. There have been cultural attitudes where it was frowned upon, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening.

And does the author seriously think the US invented pants for women?! Uh, history would like a word with you. What do you think bloomers are?

Either way, the US government had nothing to do with either of those things. Those were cultural changes, not legal ones.

As for no slaves, there absolutely was slavery for an embarrassingly long time after the Revolutionary War. Great Britain and a host of other countries abolished it decades before the US had to fight itself to get the job done. Probably not the topic you want to bring up to tout your (future) country’s virtues.

And remember; this entire speech was to a six-year-old.

“I have to think about it.” Susan said and she started running toward the beach again. Rebecca sighed and stood up and rubbed her dress free of dust. Her hands went to her abdominal and she lightly stroked it.

“I know your secret.” Abigail said coming up next to her.

Being a raging Sue isn’t exactly a secret.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Rebecca said shaking her head.

“On I think you do dear.” Abigail said.

I’ve heard of white-tailed deer and mule deer, but I’m not familiar with the on-I-think-you-do species.

“Trust me. I had enough experience with Mrs. Martin to know when a woman is pregnant and dear you are.”

Because of f*cking course she is.

“Does it make me a horrible person not to want to be pregnant?” Rebecca asked.

“Of course not dear.” Abigail said.

You were a horrible person long before you were pregnant.

“But you must remember child.

0352: War is Anything but Mentally Stable – Chapters 7-12 (7)

It is embarrassing how common these signs are. Or that they’re needed at all.

A baby isn’t defined by its parents. Only it’s self.”

I understand that the author is trying to impart some kind of deep, “don’t judge a book by its cover” wisdom here, but a newborn is little more than a loud, messy cabbage. They’re absolutely “defined by” their parents, at least for the first few years.

Abigail walked back to her hunt to most likely fix supper.

I doubt hunting on a wide open, sandy beach is going to be very successful, Abigale.

Rebecca nodded her head and went to help Abigail.

Another chapter down. REVIEW PLEASE.


Chapter 12: Leaving

After this chapter, I’m definitely leaving this fic until next week.



After dinner Rebecca and Gabriel went for a walk. Rebecca’s mind was still disputing whether she should tell Gabriel about her baby or not;

That’s not how you use that word, author.

but she knew if anyone would be understanding it was going to be him.

Why would Gabriel be understanding of your out-of-wedlock baby? If anything, with his idealistic views he’d be even more likely to be upset about it.

“Gabriel I have to tell you something.” Rebecca said.

“Well I have to tell you something also.” Gabriel said.

“Ok you go first.” Rebecca insisted.

“I have just been dying to tell someone.” Gabriel looked like a kid in a candy store as he spoke.

Gabriel: What’s a candy store? Do you have any idea how expensive sugar is in the 18th century?

“Anne and I are getting married tomorrow.”

Or… that.

Anne Howard is Gabriel’s canon love interest and they do end up marrying in the beach village.

“Anne Howard?” Rebecca asked.

“Yeah.” Gabriel said and Rebecca laughed in glee.

“I am happy for you.” Rebecca said.

“What about you?” Gabriel asked.

“Well Father is going to kill me but that is ok.” Rebecca said. “I am pregnant Gabriel.”

No, you’re BeckySue. Hopefully no one is Pregnant Gabriel.

“Wow.” Gabriel said and Rebecca saw the shock on his face.

His mind is trying to come to terms with the thought of two Sues.

“I am happy for you. You will make a great mother.”

“Really?” Rebecca asked.

Absolutely not.

“Really.” Gabriel said.

And then we get regurgitation of Gabriel’s wedding, and Benjamin and Gabriel leaving the village.


Mr. Howard and some of the village men saddled the wagon up so the Howards could go back to Pembroke.

I think Anne’s father had a little too much to drink at that wedding. Someone should probably tell him that saddles don’t belong on wagons.

“Mr. Howard would you mind if I came with you to Pembroke?” Rebecca asked.

“Of course Rebecca.” Mr. Howard said and Anne and Rebecca beamed.

See? Even drunk Mr. Howard can see how awful BeckySue is. He doesn’t even want her riding with them. I’m not sure why BeckySue is happy about this, though.

Anne and Rebecca got into the back of the wagon after they said their goodbyes and headed for Pembroke.

OK guys as was requested by open mind Rebecca and Tavington will meet up again (though I had it planed anyway) Well Review Please.

Was there anyone who seriously thought she wouldn’t hook back up with her ellipsis-buddy?

Anyway, that’s more than enough for this week. If there’s this much regurgitation in the rest of the fic, we may be able to finish it off next time, but with a Sue baby in the works, somehow I doubt that.

Until then, stay loony!

0352: War is Anything but Mentally Stable – Chapters 7-12 (8)

Author: Em Kay

Mom, Crafter, Lover of SnarkView all posts by Em Kay

0352: War is Anything but Mentally Stable – Chapters 7-12 (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.